The High Places
Time and time again when we read through the Old Testament, God gave success to King’s in battle. There were good Kings who took over for bad Kings. Over and over again we read how they would go into the temples built for Baal and other idols and they would destroy everything in honor of their commitment to rule and reign with God as the one true God. This was a necessary cleansing and brought the people back to serving the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
But, because they did not follow through completely, this new found commitment to serving God did not last. They would not go up to the high places and remove the alters where there were sacrifices being made to other gods. They would not complete the work of the Lord by making sure ALL the idols were removed and as a result, their godly rule and reign was compromised. The incense that the nations whom the Lord has driven out continued to be burned at every high place.
He (Amaziah) did what was right in the eyes of the Lord…The high places, however, were not removed, the people continued to offer sacrifices and burn incense there (2 Kings 14:3,4). His reign began well, but he did not give himself wholeheartedly over to the Lord. How it must have grieved the Lord to see over and over again how he would bless the people of Israel and then watch as they did not follow through with what he commanded. What are we holding on to? Is it too much for us to give our lives over to the Lord completely? What are we afraid of? Do we trust our plans more than those of the Creator of the universe?
Are we removing ALL the idols we have in the high places of our life so we can serve the Lord completely, or are there areas we keep hidden and refuse to tear down in fear it will cost us too much?
We need to lay all our loves and the feet of Jesus and let him use every part of us for his glory. What a relief to hand over our hopes and dreams to our loving Savior.
Lord Jesus, tear down the idols we have erected in the high places of our own lives. Reveal the areas we have not given over to you completely and take us to greater heights in our relationship with you. Take your rightful place on the high throne of our lives and rule and reign in every aspect of our hearts, our homes, and may those in our sphere of influence be brought to the foot of the cross. Shine your light in the shadows of our heart and may we be totally sold out for our Lord and Savior!